miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Returns separation marks!

WWE announce that from here on July 19 Smackdown will be live on USA Network. Also, they confirm the separation marks we so much asked. And with this separation I come to mind a lot of questions. The first question I have is: Smackdown will have their own titles? I want the return of the World Heavyweight Championship and other titles like the World Tag Team Championships or the European Championship. Also, I want new titles like Women's Tag Team Championship or another.
The second question is: What roster will have Smackdown? I think will be worse than Raw and in this roster I think will have important names like Roman Reigns, Cesaro, Dean Ambrose...
The third and the last question I have is: Smackdown stage is changed? I think that won't be changed in the stage, but it would be good that the punch returns.

You can write your opinion in the comments. :)

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